Creating a layer

Create layers with the Insert > Layer command or the Layer button on the Object palette. Once a layer is created, use the Layer inspector to select it, change its stacking order, and define nesting.

To create a layer with the Layer button:

1 Click the Layer button in the Object palette.
2 Move the pointer into the Document window and drag to create a new layer. To create a nested layer, begin drawing the layer within the boundaries of an existing layer.

Dreamweaver inserts the layer code at the top of the page, just after the BODY tag. If you created a nested layer, the Dreamweaver inserts the code right after the DIV tag (or other layer tag) that defines the layer. If the layer marker isn't visible, choose View > Invisible Elements. See About invisible elements.

To create a layer with Insert > Layer:

1 Place the cursor in the document where you want the layer code to be inserted.
To create a layer within a layer (a nested layer), place the cursor inside an existing layer.
2 Choose Insert > Layer.

The layer appears with the default width and height specified in Layer preferences. A layer marker appears at the cursor location to show where the layer code has been inserted. If the layer marker isn't visible, choose View > Invisible Elements. See About invisible elements.

Dreamweaver uses the DIV tag to create layers as specified by CSS by default. You can choose a different tag from the Tag pop-up in the Property inspector. Change the default setting in the Layers panel of the Preferences dialog box.

(You can also create layers with styles. See Style Definition for Positioning panel.)